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Jade Gong Co-authors PACE Article in Advance for Long-Term Care Management Magazine

Jade Gong, MBA, RN, vice president of strategic initiatives at HDG, and Richard Burke, MA, MBA, president of senior care services at Fallon Community Health Plan in Worcester, Mass. co-authored an article that recently appeared in Advance for Long-Term Care Management. The article, Going the Distance, addressed ways PACE leaders can remain financially strong during this financial storm, with a focus on seven key considerations:

  1. Proactively reinforce and monitor doing the basics well. 
  2. Top-line revenue must reflect participant acuity.
  3. Manage utilization of medical services with a best practices approach.
  4. Scrutinize the appropriateness of expenditures.
  5. Understand the unit costs of your medical expenses.
  6. Seek opportunities to leverage technology.
  7. Create an operations management dashboard.

Click here to read the complete article (requires a free account to access).

HDG Featured in The Timberjay

Health Dimensions Group (HDG) was featured in a recent report by Tom Klein at The Timberjay, a northern Minnesota newspaper. The article offered an overview of a planned financial and operations analysis that HDG will conduct for the Cook Nursing Home (Cook, Minn.), which suffered a $1.5 million loss last year. HDG will look for steps the long-term care facility can take to improve its financial outlook without sacrificing quality of care.

The report also outlined some of HDG’s prior experience, including the fact that the firm recently contracted with nearby Ely-Bloomenson Nursing Home to manage that facility, which will be renamed Boundary Waters Care Center.

The full article is available online at (subscription required).

Manitowoc Health and Rehabilitation Center Receives LTC LINK Spirit of Innovation Award

Manitowoc Health and Rehabilitation Center Logo

Organization will present best practice case study at LINK Conference in July

Manitowoc Health and Rehabilitation Center, a skilled nursing facility (SNF) managed by Health Dimensions Group, is proud to announce that it is has earned the LTC LINK Spirit of Innovation Award for the 7th Annual LTC LINK Conference. This award recognizes companies for their innovation, dedication to continuous improvement, development of best practices, and commitment to the success of the long-term care industry.

Continue reading Manitowoc Health and Rehabilitation Center Receives LTC LINK Spirit of Innovation Award

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