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HDG Honored with Sloan Award for Business Excellence in Workplace Flexibility

2011 Sloan Award LogoHealth Dimensions Group has been honored with a 2011 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Business Excellence in Workplace Flexibility for its use of flexibility as an effective workplace strategy to increase business and employee success. This prestigious award, part of the national When Work Works project, recognizes employers of all sizes and types in Minnesota and across the country.

“We recognize and respect our employees’ commitment to their families and personal endeavors,” said Craig Abbott, CEO of Health Dimensions Group. “By fostering a flexible workplace culture, we are able to attract and retain talented professionals who help our business thrive.”

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Cook County Daily Herald Editorial on Winchester House Contract

A recent Cook County Daily Herald editorial, This Private Hiring is Good Public Policy, addresses a recent County Board decision to award Health Dimensions Group a management and staffing contract for Winchester House, a Chicago area skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility.

Click here to read the editorial.

This private hiring is good public policy

HDG Selected to Manage Operations at Winchester House

As noted in our previous post, an advisory board recently recommended that Health Dimensions Group be retained as the new managing organization for Winchester House, a county-owned skilled nursing facility in Libertyville, Illinois (Lake County). We are pleased to announce that based on guidance from the advisory board, the County voted “yes” and HDG will assume operations of Winchester House.  Read the Lake County press release issued today.

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