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HDG looks to Steve Jobs’ Apple playbook for health care reform

How a user-friendly approach will help build post-acute care model

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI), an organization that presents the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the nation with information to improve the healthcare system, knows that a polarizing election year and Congressional control of funding mean that the time to change health care is now. This recognition of need, yet lack of specificity, presents a tremendous opportunity for post-acute providers. With no accepted standard, post-acute providers can pull a page from Steve Jobs’ Apple playbook and define a product their customer didn’t know they needed but now can’t live without.

Hospital systems and physician groups recognize that referring patients to the first available post-acute provider is insufficient, and the imminent prospect of significant financial penalties associated with preventable readmissions has awakened hospitals to the reality that admission-to-discharge can no longer be considered discreet and separable from a continuum of patient care. However, these groups are faced with an array of options to test the waters of care delivery reform, and organization providers/managers are unsure what the ideal post-acute transition for their patients would look like.

So where does the Apple model come in? There are currently “first generation” post-acute care models out there, reminiscent of early MP3 players and laptops. Hospitals and physicians know they could be useful, but they lack a user-friendly interface and unquestionably superior value. Consumers (in this case hospitals and physicians) don’t have a compelling reason to jump to a new way of doing business.

As evidenced by Apple’s market share, there is a significant first mover advantage for early innovators who create the “second generation” product in post-acute care.

“MP3 players existed years before Apple launched the iPod and subsequent demand was created through a user-friendly interface, which converted some of even the most diehard opposition,” said Neal Peyser, senior vice president of consulting at Health Dimensions Group. “By hitching their wagon to early innovators, organizations are guaranteed a steady referral stream for years to come.”

According to HDG, a user-friendly model of post-acute care would include, among other things, a full complement of services represented by an integrated entity, education to hospital and practice-based clinicians and performance feedback, as Apple consistently considered feedback to revise subsequent versions of their products. Similarly, post-acute systems should establish joint operating committees with hospital and physician partners to identify and correct service shortcomings and gaps in care transitions.

“This is no longer about ‘winning the patient’ for your facility, but helping other caregivers make the decision that is in the best interest of the patient,” said Peyser.




Recognizing the Need for Outside Help in Caregiving

Caregivers often don’t recognize when they are in over their heads, and often get to a breaking point. After a prolonged period of time, caregiving can become too difficult to endure any longer. Short-term, the caregiver can handle it. Long-term, support is needed. Outside help at this point is often necessary.

A typical pattern with an overloaded caregiver may unfold as follows:

• 1 to 18 months–the caregiver is confident, has everything under control and is coping well. Other friends and family are lending support.
• 20 to 36 months–the caregiver may be taking medication to sleep and control mood swings. Outside help dwindles away and except for trips to the store or doctor, the caregiver has severed most social contacts. The caregiver feels alone and helpless.
• 38 to 50 months–Besides needing tranquilizers or antidepressants, the caregiver’s physical health is beginning to deteriorate. Lack of focus and sheer fatigue cloud judgment and the caregiver is often unable to make rational decisions or ask for help.

It is often at this stage that family or friends intercede and find other solutions for care. This may include respite care, hiring home health aides or putting the disabled loved one in a facility. Without intervention, the caregiver may become a candidate for long term care as well…read the entire article by going to the link below

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Is Your Organization Prepared to Accept Risk for Bundled Payments?

The first stage of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation’s (CMMI) bundled payment initiative is complete. Post-acute providers are now shifting their focus to enacting the care process redesign and conducting the data analysis necessary to design and successfully manage the risk of a bundled episode of care.

In order to complete this by the application deadline, March 15, 2012, providers are narrowing their sights on areas of clinical strength that do not exhibit wide variation in cost. However, even with this narrower focus, the breadth of options for designing a care bundle–perhaps left purposefully broad by CMMI–ensures that the next few months will require rapid-fire decision-making and execution of care redesign processes.

To assist with these challenges at a high level, Health Dimensions Group is pleased to share our most recent white paper on bundled payment.

Providers interested in partnering with Health Dimensions Group (HDG) should express interest immediately in order to confirm a letter of engagement by December 5, 2011, past which HDG will be unable to take on new clients for the CMMI bundled payment initiative. Call 763.537.5700 today to allow for adequate time to complete the application process.

Read Health Dimensions Group’s recently published white paper to learn about imperatives for success for post-acute providers under bundled payment.

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4400 Baker Road, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55343