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Day One of the Health Dimensions Group National Summit

Good afternoon! Welcome to the first day of the Health Dimensions Group National Summit. This evening, the attendees will attend a welcome reception and get to know each other and the event sponsors.  

Tomorrow morning, Neal Peyser, senior vice president of consulting at Health Dimension Group (HDG), will speak about the hospital and health system focus on post acute care, and present the results of HDG’s national survey, revealing the current status and trajectory of post acute care. The HDG research represents opinions of more than 150 healthcare executives throughout the United States, and the fascinating results show that post acute services have emerged as a new, competing resource priority. Watch for a full white paper following the conference. 

Tomorrow will also be filled with many other activities, including presentations and panel discussions led by Kathleen Griffin, Preston Gee, Terry Carroll and John DiCola. Check back here for recaps throughout the conference. If you are joining us live at the event, please share your experience on Twitter by clicking here and using hashtag #hdgsummit.

National Summit: Building the Continuum Essential for Success in Post-Health Care Reform –February 1-3, 2012

Health Dimensions Group (HDG) will host its second annual National Summit, Building the Continuum Essential for Success in Post-Health Care Reform, February 1-3, 2012. The Summit will address the prime opportunity for post-acute providers to serve as a preferred, high-value partner to hospital systems and physician groups.

• What: National Summit: Building the Continuum Essential for Success in Post-Health Care Reform
• When: February 1-3, 2012
• Where: J.W. Marriott Desert Ridge Resort and Spa, Phoenix, Arizona
• Info: A complete agenda is available at
Read conference updates at
Follow event discussion on Twitter (hashtag #hdgsummit).

This unique two-day event provides practical strategies for hospitals, health systems, post-acute and long-term care providers to create partnerships and programs essential for success in the future. The National Summit once again promises speakers who are nationally recognized experts in the field who will summarize and discuss strategies that include:

• The new regulations and relationships with insurers and how providers–acute, post-acute, and physician groups–are responding
• National survey results on current and trajectory status of hospital and health systems focus on post-acute care
• Overview and update on leading organizations initiatives as they advance the development and implementation of their continuum of providers under health care reform
• Technology in the care continuum from delivery system to home
• Designing and implementing patient-centered coordination mechanisms across the health system continuum
• Keys to successful partnerships for continuum development and operations

Registration is subject to approval and the conference coordinator will verify eligibility. Download a full conference brochure and registration form, or for more information contact HDG at 763.746.5567 or

About Health Dimensions Group
Health Dimensions Group is a Minneapolis-based, fully integrated senior living health care management and health care consulting firm. For more than 20 years, we have partnered with hospitals, health systems, and long-term care and senior living providers to help them meet the ever-changing needs in their markets and plan for the future, while maintaining a healthy bottom line. For more information, visit or

Is Insurance the Answer to Long Term Care Planning?

A recent USA Today article states that there is an increase in seniors living over the age of 90. According to author Haya El Nasser “The number of people living to age 90 and beyond has tripled in the past three decades to almost 2 million and is likely to quadruple by 2050”.

Seniors who live longer generally have some sort of disability or need help at some level of living. Sandy Markwood, CEO of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, indicates that the focus needs to be on being able to help these seniors live at home as long as possible as nursing home cost could rise to average $72,000 a year.

Long Term Care at any level, in the home, assisted living or nursing home can add a tremendous cost to seniors and their families….read the entire article by going to the link below.

Please go to the following URL for the entire article and previous articles: Either click on the link or copy and paste the following into your browser:

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