Archive for the News Category

Virginia Releases its third Request for Applications for PACE Expansion


The Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS), State of Virginia, has released its third Request for Applications (RFA) for Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) expansion. The RFA, released July 1, 2014, is for the underserved areas, including ZIP codes, for the Williamsburg and James City areas of Virginia. DMAS has determined the areas are an underserved area for the purpose of PACE. Although the final service area definition will be negotiated between DMAS and the eventual awardee, all applicants must include Williamsburg and James City within the proposed service area geography.

Interested providers intending to submit an application must first submit a Letter of Intent (LOI) by 2:00 PM, local time, July 31, 2014. Prior submission of the LOI is a prerequisite; applicants who did not submit an LOI by the due date, will NOT be considered.

To be eligible for consideration, the required documents must be submitted to DMAS by 2:00 PM, Eastern Standard Time, September 1, 2014.

The actual RFA can be found at this link:


Dimensions Health Properties IX-Chris Jensen LLC Acquires Chris Jensen Health and Rehabilitation Center

On April 3, 2014, Dimensions Health Properties IX-Chris Jensen LLC closed on the purchase of Chris Jensen Health and Rehabilitation Center (Chris Jensen) in Duluth, Minnesota, and adjacent land from St. Louis County in Minnesota.

The company will continue to lease the facility to Chris Jensen, LLC, which has been leasing and operating Chris Jensen since November 2009. Chris Jensen, LLC contracts for management services from Health Dimensions Group (HDG), one of the nation’s leading senior living management and consulting firms, based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. No change in licensed operator or employer will take place as a result of the purchase. Chris Jensen, LLC has already invested over $575,000 in physical improvements to the building, and over the next several months, will invest over $1 million in upgrades over the next two years. In addition, Dimensions Properties IX-Chris Jensen LLC has contracted with HDG for work on determining the feasibility of adding a senior housing facility, to include assisted living and dementia care, on adjacent vacant land just off Rice Lake Road in Duluth, Minnesota.

“We have greatly appreciated the enthusiastic support from the St. Louis County Board of Commissioners during this process,” said Craig Abbott, chief executive officer for Health Dimensions Group. “We are committed to the residents of Duluth and the surrounding communities for the long term, and are tremendously pleased to be adding this community to our portfolio of quality residential and outpatient solutions.”

Chris Jensen Health and Rehabilitation Center is a 170-bed skilled nursing facility and employs approximately 250 employees. Providing short-term rehabilitation services, memory care, and long-term care, Chris Jensen is located in a park like setting, northeast of downtown Duluth, Minnesota. Chris Jensen has a long history of providing services and care to those in need. That tradition of care will remain unchanged.

For more than a decade, HDG has provided high-level management and consulting solutions to nursing homes, assisted, and independent living facilities. The company now manages and operates 23 health care properties: nine in Minnesota, seven in Wisconsin, two in Colorado, one in Iowa, and two in Illinois, and also two home health and hospice agencies: one in Illinois and one in Minnesota. HDG also provides consulting solutions to clients in all 50 states.

The acquisition further solidifies HDG’s presence in the senior living and post-acute health care market and broadens its scope of services.About Health Dimensions GroupHealth Dimensions group provides post-acute and senior living consultation and management solutions for hospitals; health systems; and long-term care and senior care providers throughout the United States. For more information on how Health Dimensions Group can serve your community’s health care needs, visit their website at, or call 763-537-5700.


Health Dimensions Group will be attending and presenting at the National PACE Association Fall Conference

Health Dimensions Group will be attending and presenting at the National PACE Association Fall Conference in Miami, Florida from Monday, October 21st though Thursday, October 24th. Presentations include the following:


Tuesday, October 22
8:00 – 9:30 AM

Is An Alternative Care Site in Your PACE Program’s Future Growth Plan? Imagine the Possibilities!

In an increasingly lean and competitive operating environment, PACE programs are seeking to grow as rapidly and costeffectively as possible. Incorporating alternative care settings as part of a PACE growth and expansion strategy can dramatically increase the options for creative and cost-effective program growth. Join us for a review of alternative care settings in the current regulatory environment and then let’s imagine what the PACE program of the future might look like if we are afforded expanded flexibility with the passage of the PACE Innovation Act.


Richard Carroll, B.Arch, McAuliffe+Carroll Architects, LLC, Trenton, NJ

Robert Hager, BS, Inova Health System, Purceville, VA

Anne Lewis, MA, Health Dimensions Group, Billings, MT


Wednesday, October 23
8:00 – 9:30 AM

Rising to the Challenge: What is the Growth Potential of PACE in Your Market and Across the Nation?

Many states are developing integrated Medicare and Medicaid programs to serve dual eligible populations that are inclusive of PACE. For the first time, PACE programs across the country may face significant competition by alternative integrated programs. Given the intensity of this development, it is critically important for PACE programs to understand the size of the PACE eligible population relative to the total dual eligible population and plan their growth in a strategic manner.


Peter Fitzgerald, MSc, National PACE Association, Alexandria, VA

Jill Graziano, RN, Independent Living for Seniors, Rochester, NY

Colin Higgins, Health Dimensions Group, Minneapolis, MN


Wednesday, October 23
10:00 – 11:30 AM

Flat is the New Up – How to Deliver Value with Less and Improve PACE Quality in an Era of Constrained Payment PACE organizations are facing unprecedented challenges that threaten organizational viability as never before. As a consequence, programs are being forced to take a critical look at their organizational health, including operational and financial performance. This presentation will review the key components of a financial and operational assessment and its outcomes.


Daniel Drake, MSA, RN, LIFE University of Pennsylvania School of

Nursing, Philadelphia, PA

Anne Lewis, MA, Health Dimensions Group, Billings, MT

Tom Stitt, CPA, Health Dimensions Group, Chicago, IL


The NPA Fall conference is attended by current and prospective NPA members. Please stop by and visit us at our booth or at one of our sessions!


ph 763 537 5700 | fax 763 537 9200
4400 Baker Road, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55343