The following articles were authored by HDG Blog

Presentation Summary: Andy Edeburn on Data Driven Partnerships

Andy Edeburn
Andy Edeburn

Andy Edeburn, Director of Project Management, Health Dimensions Group, presented Hospitals and Post Acute Providers:  How to Create Data-Driven Partnerships. Touching on the importance each entity has to contribute in order to sustain a successful, working partnership, Edeburn elaborated on key points for how each side can identify and accomplish its partnership goals.

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National Summit – Day 2 has Commenced

Good morning!  It’s Day 2 here at HDG’s National Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona.  Freshly rested (several attendees invigorated from a sunrise hike), participants just refueled with breakfast and are ready to start another day of conversation about how we can prepare our organizations for health care reform. If you’re tweeting at our about the event, please remember our hash tag #acosummit.

Presentation Summary: Eric Coleman, MD, MPH

Eric Coleman, MD, MPH

Eric Coleman, MD, MPH

Eric Coleman, MD, MPH  is a Professor of Medicine within the Divisions of Health Care Policy and Research and Geriatric Medicine at the University of Colorado – Denver.  He walked attendees through Care Transitions Intervention (CTI), an-evidence-based for model for improving quality of transitional care. Dr. Coleman described the transitional care roadmap in five steps: (1) Understand patterns of cross-setting care; (2) Discuss the confluence in national health policy; (3) Identify high-risk patients; (4) Engage physicians and hospitals; and (5) Engage patients to become more active in their transitional care.

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