Jane Gorwin, Senior Home Health and Hospice Consultant at HDG, was a keynote and general session speaker at the Home Care Association of Colorado Annual Convention held May 19-20, in Colorado Springs, CO. She delivered two presentations at the event, which was attended by home care, private duty, hospice, and HME managers, executives and clinical staff. Following are descriptions of the sessions:
The Big 4 Health Care Reform Models – What It Means for Home Care
Are you prepared for an ACO world? Understand what defines an Accountable Care Organization so your agency can be ready! This keynote address will provide an overview of the Accountable Care Act (ACA), also known as Health Care Reform. Jane Gorwin will explain the legislation’s BIG 4 and why they will have an impact on home care. The BIG 4 include value-based purchasing, hospital readmission penalties, Accountable Care Organizations and bundled payments.
Continue reading Gorwin Presents on ACOs at Home Care Association of Colorado